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What are Recognitions?

Recognitions are our way of celebrating and distinguishing Yelp contributors for the types of businesses they care about the most and have a genuine interest in. Recognitions also let everyone know what categories a contributor is familiar with based on their history of reviews, helping Yelp users find valuable information about local businesses by providing additional context about a reviewer.

Reviewers who have earned a Recognition will have it displayed next to their reviews for businesses in that category to help them stand out. Clicking a Recognition in a review will also reveal the other businesses that someone has reviewed for that category.

How are Recognitions awarded?

You will receive a Recognition when you write 3 reviews for the same category of businesses. You can only be awarded 1 Recognition per category. As you go beyond 3 reviews, your review count for the Recognition will also increase to further highlight your accomplishments.

What business categories can I earn Recognitions for?

Currently Recognitions cover over 70 restaurant, food, and nightlife categories with more categories to come.

What else can influence review counts for a Recognition after I receive it?

Businesses may change categories over time which can cause counts to shift. Deleting a review can also impact counts.

Do my old reviews count towards a Recognition?

Only reviews written up to a certain time period are considered valid for a Recognition.

Will anything happen to my Check-in badges, Dukedoms, Review of the Week, or First to Review badges?

These earned badges will remain. We are currently updating the achievements section of profiles so some badges may be temporarily not visible. For Android and Desktop users: You can still earn Recognitions but viewing them from your profile will not be available until later this year.