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Recognizing Scams Impersonating Yelp

We have been made aware of several scams pretending to be Yelp to steal money and/or personal information. If you are suspicious of any communication that claims to have been sent by Yelp, please contact our Support team.

Here are some tips to prevent falling victim to such scams:

  • Yelp does not offer money or jobs for you to post content to Yelp, create an account, or to make reservations, whether through the Yelp website or Yelp app(s). If you are contacted with such an offer, it is not legitimate.

  • Yelp will never ask you for money to alter reviews or ratings. There has never been any amount of money someone can pay Yelp to alter reviews or ratings. Yelp works hard to feature content that reflects real experiences that consumers are inspired to share.
  • Yelp will never ask you to make payments in any cryptocurrency, nor will Yelp offer to make payment to you of any cryptocurrency.
  • Legitimate Yelp links will begin with yelp.com, biz.yelp.com, business.yelp.com, or include our country-specific domains like https://yelp.ca/ and https://fr.yelp.ca/. Be sure that the link you click on leads to the real Yelp website.
  • Scammers will sometimes use a tactic called “spoofing” where they will make it seem as if their email or website is coming from a known, trusted source, typically by using a similar sounding domain. For example, yeIp.com, spelled with a capital “i”, is not a legitimate Yelp website.
  • Yelp does not use WhatsApp or Telegram to communicate with users. If someone contacts you via WhatsApp or Telegram, they are not from Yelp.
  • Legitimate Yelp communications will not require you to open ZIP file attachments, create accounts on other sites, or download programs other than the Yelp app(s).

If you may have lost money and/or provided sensitive information to a scammer, please contact your bank, local authorities, and/or state or federal law enforcement.