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How do I post an update to one of my reviews?

You can post a review update when you've had a new experience with the same location of a business that you've already reviewed. Your update will post above your existing review, and both will be visible to the public and the business owner. Only the newest star rating will be factored into the overall star rating of the business. You can also edit your review instead of writing an update or remove your review.

Instructions for:

To post a review update from yelp.com

  1. Go to the Reviews section of your account
  2. Select the review you'd like to update
  3. Beneath the text of your existing review, click Write an Update
  4. Write the new review and add a new star rating
  5. Click Post

If you're using an iPhone/iPad

  1. Log in to your user account
  2. Tap the Me button
  3. Tap Reviews
  4. Tap the review you'd like to update
  5. Tap Update Review below the review text
  6. Write the new review and add a new star rating
  7. Tap Next
  8. Tap Close to save the review as a draft, or tap Post to finish updating your review

If you're using an Android

  1. Log in to your user account
  2. Tap Me button
  3. Tap Reviews
  4. Tap the review you'd like to update
  5. Tap the button with the three dots
  6. Tap Write an update
  7. Write the new review and add a new star rating
  8. Tap Next
  9. Tap Close to save the review as a draft, or tap Post to finish updating your review