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How do I join the Elite Squad?

It takes a special Yelper to become an Elite. Frequent, quality reviews and photos are important, but generally being awesome on Yelp doesn’t hurt! If this sounds like you and you meet the criteria below, submit a nomination here for the Yelp Elite Squad Council's consideration. You can also nominate friends using the same form.

To become Elite, you agree that you

  • Are using your real name on Yelp.
  • Have a clear photo of yourself on your profile page.
  • Are of legal drinking age in your country.

You also agree that you are NOT

  • A business owner. 
  • Closely affiliated with a business owner (e.g., your spouse owns a business, or you are the general manager or social media/marketing manager for a business).
  • Managing a Yelp Business Account.
  • Working for one of our competitors.
While the Council can't give specifics on its decision making, it does take into consideration numerous factors when evaluating nominations, including overall contributions, recent activity on the site, and adherence to our Terms of Service and Content Guidelines.

A reminder that accepting compensation (including cash, gift cards, discounts, or free meals, services, or products) in exchange for reviews, or otherwise attempting to leverage Elite Squad membership for personal gain, violates Yelp's Terms of Service and will result in your Elite status being revoked, the closure of your Yelp account (including the removal of your reviews and other contributions), and other potential repercussions.
Please keep in mind that if you don’t satisfy the requirements above, you will not be able to obtain or maintain Elite status.