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How do I block or unblock a business owner?

Blocking a business owner will prevent them from responding to your messages (via Message the Business and Request a Quote feature) and sending you direct messages in response to your review. If you’d prefer not to allow any business owners sending you direct messages in response to your review, you can manage that in your Privacy Settings from the Account Settings section of your user account. 

If you’re receiving unwanted messages or compliments from other Yelp users, you can also block another user

While you can’t block business owners from commenting on your review, if you think a business owner’s comment may violate our Content Guidelines you can report the comment. If a business owner has sent you a direct message that you think may violate our guidelines, you can report the direct message as well.

To block or unblock a business owner from yelp.com

  1. Go to the Messages section of your account
  2. Open the message the business owner sent you
  3. Click the More Options button in the upper right corner and select Block User (or Unblock User)

To block or unblock a business owner from an Android

  1. Find a message the business owner has sent you
  2. Tap the overflow button (the 3 dots)
  3. Tap Block & Report (or Unblock)
Please note that blocking or unblocking business owners is currently not available for Yelp’s mobile app for iOS. iOS users need to log in to the full site at www.yelp.com.