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How do I add a profile photo to my user account?

Yelpers can add a new profile photo from the website or the mobile apps with the instructions below, but please note you'll need to be on the website in order to remove a profile photo. If you're a business owner, please view our separate instructions for adding/removing your profile photo.

Yelper instructions for:

To add a profile photo from yelp.co.uk

  1. Go to your profile page
  2. Click Add Profile Photos
  3. Drag and drop the photo in the designated space or click Browse Files then Open

If you're using an iPhone

  1. Log in to your account
  2. Tap the Me button
  3. Tap More About Me
  4. Tap Add Photo
  5. Choose your upload option
  6. Tap Use Photo

If you're using an Android

  1. Log in to your account
  2. Tap the Me button
  3. Tap More About Me
  4. Tap Add Photo
  5. Choose your upload option
  6. Tap Use Photo