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How can I follow or share a Collection?

By following a Collection, you’ll be in the know about new or popular business recommendations in your area or in another city. These Collections are either curated by other Yelpers or auto-generated to showcase the most relevant and popular businesses. You can also share Collections that you’ve curated with others, and they’ll become a follower of your Collection. Please note you’ll need to be logged in to your Yelp user account to use the Collection feature. 

To follow a Collection

From an iPhone/Android
  1. Tap Collections in the bottom navigation bar
  2. Find the Collection you want to follow or tap Featured in to search in another city 
  3. Tap Follow Collection (iPhone) or Follow (Android)

From Yelp.co.uk

  1. Go to your profile and click Collections on the left
  2. Open the Discover tab
  3. Find the Collection you want to follow
  4. Click Follow Collection

If you no longer want to follow or be notified of updates to Collections, you can unfollow them. To unfollow from yelp.com, find the Collection on the Following Collections page then click the Unfollow Collection button.

If you’re using the Yelp app, tap Collections in the bottom navigation bar, find and tap the Collection you want to unfollow and then tap the Following button.

To share a Collection

From an iPhone/Android
  1. Find the Collection you want to share
  2. Tap the box/arrow icon (iPhone) or Share (Android)
  3. Choose how to share it and finish accordingly
From Yelp.com
  1. Find the Collection you want to share and copy the website URL