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Can I report a photo or video that doesn't comply with Yelp's guidelines?

Yelp’s Content Guidelines encourage business owners and community members to post photos and videos that reflect the typical consumer experience (e.g., what the business looks like, what the business offers, etc.). 

Here are some examples of photos or videos that may be removed from areas of a business page: 
  • Lower-quality photos and videos, especially those that are blurry or dark. 
  • Uniquely personal experiences, such as your group of friends at a bar or a fly in your soup. These may be removed from the photo gallery but still appear in your review of the business.
  • Offers or promotions (such as a coupon). Yelp does allow businesses to post stock photos and logos from their marketing materials, as well as a single promotional video as part of a Yelp advertising program. 
If you see a photo or video that you believe may violate Yelp policies or guidelines, please report it so our moderators can take a look.